Nov 6, 2020
Guests: Travis Harms, CPA/ABV/CEIV & Hubert Klein, CPA/ABV/CFF
Category: Professional development
How do we apply the market approach during the pandemic? Is the
market approach useful at this time? What do signals from public
markets for large and small cap stocks tell us about our typical
private clients?
In this...
Oct 26, 2020
Guests: Bethany Hearn, CPA/ABV/CFF & Austin Lee, CPA/ABV Category: Professional development
The ABV Credential Committee is working on staying connected with members despite the global pandemic and helping them raise the awareness and value of their ABV credential. The Committee added a statement about diversity, equity...
Oct 5, 2020
Guests: Karolina Calhoun, CPA/ABV/CFF & Hubert Klein,
The valuation date is a point in time at which a business or
business interest is being valued. The valuation date can vary
based on the type of engagement and by jurisdiction for litigation
engagements. In this episode of the FVS Section Podcast,...
Sep 22, 2020
Guests: Bethany Hearn, CPA/ABV/CFF, Rumbi Petrozzello, CPA/CFF &
Kirstine Connors, CPA/ABV
Category: Practice Management
Diversity and inclusion are key to future proofing our profession
as well as our ABV and CFF specializations. A pathway towards a
more inclusive workforce requires building a pipeline not only to
Sep 22, 2020
Guests: Bethany Hearn, CPA/ABV/CFF, Rumbi Petrozzello, CPA/CFF &
Kirstine Connors, CPA/ABV
Diversity and inclusion are key to future proofing our profession
as well as our ABV and CFF specializations. A pathway towards a
more inclusive workforce requires building a pipeline not only to
the CPA but also to the...